Core Research
Free Choice With Arbitrary Variables
Proceedings of 24th Amsterdam Colloquium, 2024
Descriptive As Ifs (with Sadhwi Srinivas)
Linguistics and Philosophy 46(1): 87-134, 2023
Supersedes this paper from Proceedings of SuB 23, 2019
Spinozian Model Theory (with Yitzhak Melamed)
Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 13, 2020
Exclamatory As Ifs (with Sadhwi Srinivas)
Proceedings of SuB 24: 84-101, 2020
Fatalism and the Logic of Unconditionals
Noûs 54(1): 126-161, 2020
Supersedes this paper from Proceedings of 21st Amsterdam Colloquium, 2017
Resistance and Resolution: Attentional Dynamics in Discourse (with Kyle Rawlins)
Journal of Semantics 37(1): 43-82, 2020
What Ifs (with Kyle Rawlins)
Semantics & Pragmatics 12(14): 1-55, 2019
Closure and Epistemic Modals (with Tamar Lando)
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97(1): 3-22, 2018
Rigid and Flexible Quantification in Plural Predicate Logic (with Lucas Champollion and Haoze Li)
Proceedings of SALT 27: 418-437, 2017
Epistemic Resistance Moves (with Kyle Rawlins)
Proceedings of SALT 26: 620-640, 2016
Journal of Philosophy CXII(2): 57-83, 2015
Mind 123(490): 277-316, 2014
UC Berkeley, 2013
Papers Under Revision & In Progress
R&R/under second review
Truthmakers and Mental Models
Cambridge Elements in Semantics
Ethica more logico demonstrata (with Yitzhak Melamed)
R&R/under revision
Expressive As Ifs (with Sadhwi Srinivas)
R&R/under revision
Side Papers
Challenging Epistemology: Interactive Proofs and Zero Knowledge
Journal of Applied Logic 6: 490-501, 2008
Model-Theoretic Explanations in the Theory of Dense Linear Orderings
Draft of 2011
Research Programs, Model-Building, and Actor-Network-Theory: Reassessing the Case of the Leontief Paradox (with Sharon Shewmake)
Journal of Economic Methodology 11(4): 444-476, 2004